Project:Establishment of social media participatory platforms for public awareness and feedback regarding reforms initiatives and encouraging civic responsibility (General) (Information and Public Relation Department) Project PC-1
Internship Detail
Offered Salary PKR 25,000
Slots 35
Experience Fresh
Contact Details
Required Qualification
- Bachelors Degree (4 Years) in Computer Science
- Bachelors Degree (4 Years) in IT (information technology)
- Bachelors Degree (4 Years) in Journalism
- Bachelors Degree (4 Years) in Media studies
- Bachelors Degree (4 Years) in Software engineering
- Masters Degree in Computer Science
- Masters Degree in IT (information technology)
- Masters Degree in Journalism
- Masters Degree in Media studies
- Masters Degree in Software engineering
• To supervise the activities of communication interns at District Level • To monitor social media campaigns, gauge performance and suggest necessary tweaking to the higher authorities • To maintain facts & figures and metrics-based performance & outreach statistics • To apprise the higher authorities about outreach of the social media campaigns • To prepare reports in respective domain for perusal of the PD office. • Any other task to be assigned by PD/PIU Note : Only one candidate will be selected from each District.
Project Details
i. To spread awareness right up-to the grass root level regarding reforms of public interest.
ii. To counter fake news/information/notifications regarding Govt. initiatives/directives/functionaries.
iii. To counter negative propaganda against the Provincial Government/ initiatives with facts & figures.
iv. To highlight loopholes in public service delivery
v. Track & trace of any human rights violation& public grievance surfacing social media
vi. Seeking public opinion on any proposed initiatives of the Govt.
vii. Matters that promote unity and national integration
viii. Communication skills development of public especially Youth.
ix. Financial support for career struggling unemployed individuals through engagement on social media.
x. To develop a culture of positive use of social media
xi. Create public platforms for promoting participatory culture
xii. Spread Social education regarding;
o Precautionary measures against corona, polio vaccination etc.
o Promoting the culture of cleanliness & trees plantation
o Awareness regarding repercussions of encroaching state lands
o Campaigns for awareness regarding government laws
o Curbing adulteration, hoarding, wall chalking, use of polythene bags and any other matter of public interest etc.