Project Associate Non Technical

Details of the internship

Project Associate Non Technical

Integrated Livestock Development In Merged Area (Directorate of Livestock and Dairy Development Department)
  • Following Domiciles Candidates Can Apply:
    Peshawar, Bajaur, Khyber, Kurram, Mohmand, North Waziristan, Orakzai, South Waziristan Upper, FR Bannu, FR Dera Ismail Khan, FR Kohat, FR Lakki Marwat, FR Peshawar, FR Tank
  • Post Date: Sep 19, 2021
  • Apply Before: Sep 24, 2021
  • Applications 120
  • Archived
Project PC-1

Internship Detail

  • Offered Salary PKR 25,000
  • Slots 10
  • Experience Fresh

Contact Details


Required Qualification

  • Bachelors Degree (4 Years) in English as an additional language
  • Bachelors Degree (4 Years) in Chemistry
  • Bachelors Degree (4 Years) in English
  • Bachelors Degree (4 Years) in Computer Science
  • Bachelors Degree (4 Years) in Agriculture
  • Bachelors Degree (4 Years) in Economics
  • Bachelors Degree (4 Years) in Psychology - social sciences
  • Bachelors Degree (4 Years) in Social sciences
  • Bachelors Degree (4 Years) in Electrical engineering


1. Collection & Assessment of data regarding Livestock Population in Project Areas. 2. Record Keeping & maintenance of the activities performed by the technical staff. 3. Monitoring & Supervision of Livestock Checkposts established in the Project Areas. 4. Any other task assigned by the project directors.

Project Details

The instant scheme is proposed under Accelerated Implementation Programme of Tribal Decade Strategy to accelerate developmental activities in Merged Areas in respect of livestock sector mainly focusing on dairy sector, veterinary health coverage and public health aspect. Alongside Agriculture, livestock is the mainstay of the economy across merged districts; farmers depend on livestock production for their immediate cash needs, livelihood, food security and nutrition. Livestock sector is dominated by subsistence and small holdings. Livestock animals are used for meat, milk, cash, barter, charity or wool. According to the internal assessment of L&DD Merged Areas 19-20, a total livestock population in Merged Areas is 6.438 million heads including 1.5 million cattle and buffaloes (2006 census). Growth rate of livestock in Merged Areas remained different from other parts of the country and grew at a slower rate due to war and terror in the area during last decade that led to displacement of the residents and losses to livestock heads. Projected data of cattle and buffaloes in 2019-20 is 1.657 million heads which shows a slower growth rate. District-wise data shows that Mohmand has the largest livestock population 0.236 million large ruminants in 2006 and 0.253 million large ruminants in 2019 followed by North Waziristan 0.229 million large ruminants in 2006 and 0.246 million in 2019, whereas lowest in Orakzai. Likewise amongst sub-divisions, Wazir and Darazinda have more livestock while least in Darra in the aforesaid period. The breed improvement component through artificial insemination is concerned; it is a matter of fact that per unit production in livestock remained very low in Merged Areas due to subsistence farming system. L&DD Merged Areas started breed improvement program and established Semen Production Unit (SPU) in 2003-04 to increase per unit productivity. Regular distribution of semen doses from SPU to Artificial Insemination (AI) Centers in Merged Areas started in 2005-06 and a total of 730 animals were inseminated which gradually increased with passage of time and now in 2019-20, the figure reached to 107,188. This shows that A.I. coverage has increased 100 times during 14 years period. The instant A.I. coverage in the year 2019-20 (assuming 50% of total cattle population as breed able stock i.e. cows) is 14%. A total of 930,821 animals were inseminated during this period. Out of total, 372,328 animals would have been conceived, with success rate of 40% conception. Based on the above figures, milk production is calculated and compared between the years 2006 and 2019. Total milk production in Merged Areas in the year 2006 is estimated as 171.60 million liters based on 1.5 letter milk production / animal / day. It worth noticing that per unit productivity was low due to local low productive animals. After launch of breed improvement program, as envisaged in pre-paras, artificial insemination was extensively carried in preceding years after 2005 resultantly cross bred animals were produced with more milk producing capabilities. Per animal milk production is therefore, now estimated 2.5 liters per day and thus the milk production calculated for the year 2019 as 315.78 million liters. District wise data shows highest milk production in Mohmand and North Waziristan whereas lowest in sub-division Darra and Hassan Khel. The effect of breed improvement program is significant. Per capita milk availability in 2006 is 142.46 ml / day. The figure, after increase in per animal production, has been raised to 173.03 ml / day in Merged Areas whereas per capita milk availability at National level is 226 ml / day with a gap of almost 53 ml / day which is 24 % gap from national per capita availability of milk. After completion of the instant project period, the gap would be reduced by 10%. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nation conducted a study on Agriculture Value Chain in Four Tribal Districts of Merged Areas (Khyber, Kurram, and North Waziristan & South Waziristan) through Fincon Consulting. According to the report vast majority of dairy products are produced by small subsistence farms which keep 1-4 dairy animals in the herd of 4-10 stock. According to the report Khyber and Kurram have approximately 150 commercial farms each of with 5-10 milking cows, contributing about 1.56% and 3.75 % of domestic milk production respectively. According to the study regarding dairy sector, more than 60% of the households keep livestock mainly for their domestic use. On average, a household has 2-3 cows and 7-12 Sheep/goats. Livestock sector is estimated to have 240,207, household in the aforesaid districts and provide employment to approximately 721,000 people. The sector generates estimated PKR 27 billion in value each year from production of milk and sale of animals for slaughter. Breeds of Cow reared in the four districts are Achai, Sahiwal, Cross between Frisian/Jersey and Sahiwal and non-descript cows breed. Milk Production of these animals is low i.e. Local cows produce 2.5 liters of milk and cross bred cows 5-7 liters which is below from production of a milking breed. Milk Production in Khyber is 57086 tons of milk which fails to meet the domestic demand of 85091 tons of milks. The 33% gap is filled by milk packs / tetra packs from external markets. Similarly, Kurram produces 67416 tons milk which covers approximately 93% of domestic demand while the remaining 7% demand is met through milk packs / tetra packs. North Waziristan has a gap of 24.535 million litter market gap which is fulfilled from outside market in the form of milk packs / tetra packs. South Waziristan producing 41563 tons of milk while the domestic demand is estimated at 52990 tons. The Gap of 21.6% between south demand and domestic production is filled from external demand in form of milk packs / tetra packs. (Agriculture Value Chain in Khyber, Kurram, North and South by FAO May 2017). Based on the above report by FAO, it is assumed the gap between production and demand in the rest of tribal districts is between 20-25%. From the above scenario, it is evident that per animal’s milk production as well as per person milk availability has been improved during preceding years due to instant breeding improvement program. However, comparing per capita milk consumption in Merged Areas with National data shows that per capita milk availability is still below that than national level. In order to further improve the breed quality in terms of milk production and reduce herd size, establishment of small scale dairy farms through provision of imported dairy cows in Tribal Districts and Sub-Divisions is proposed under the instant project.